Data-Driven Roadmaps for Catalyzing Green Growth in Eastern Europe
This project aims to increase the export and adoption of low-carbon technologies, ensuring that economic activities align with the EU’s climate neutrality objectives.
Read moreThis project aims to increase the export and adoption of low-carbon technologies, ensuring that economic activities align with the EU’s climate neutrality objectives.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to map the current state of psychosocial crisis support and, based on this, to develop recommendations for better response to large-scale crises and for providing support more efficiently and flexibly.
Read moreThe aim of the project is to assess applicants’ awareness and experiences with RPL, identify the reasons behind its limited use, and propose opportunities to promote and improve the use of RPL.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to understand the situation of the residents of Estonia with undetermined citizenship.
Read moreThe mini-study, commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, focuses on analyzing the working conditions and motivation of hobby education workers in Estonia.
Read moreThe goal of the study is to analyze and improve the effectiveness of prison rehabilitation processes and the opportunities for detainees to reintegrate into society.
Read moreThe study will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the systemic educational pathway for the fields of art, dance, and music.
Read moreCommissioned by the Tallinn Social and Health Care Department, this study aims…
Read moreThe NGO Estonian Association of Open Youth Centres (Eesti ANK or EANK)…
Read moreThe project will develop a model for cities to test and experiment with innovative mobility solutions focusing on active modes such as walking and cycling and change of public spaces.
Read moreThis roadmap provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of nationally significant research facilities, serving as a foundation for informed decision-making.
Read moreThe evaluation of the programme aims to analyse the effectiveness of the implementation of the programme and its impact on the programme area.
Read moreThe program supports unilateral projects to support Estonia’s external border regions. Projects have been implemented mainly in North-East Estonia, Lake Peipsi region and Setomaa.
Read moreIn the framework of this research project, IBS will examine the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of ACF grants. This will entail an assessment of the structure of the calls for proposals, the contribution of the projects and their results, and a mapping of problem areas.
Read moreThe general objective of the study is to gain further insights into the development of competences through training in the European Youth Programmes, with a particular focus on opportunities for improvement. The information provided in the tender is accurate and the service will be provided in the manner, at the price and with the team described.
Read moreThe children of migrants are often exposed to several distinct national histories: one from their country of residence and another from their family’s countries of origin. However, the impact of intergenerational transmission of historical views on the relationships migrants develop with both places remains unclear.
Read moreErasmus+ is a programme that funds education, training and youth projects in the European Union. The programme aims to develop transnational cooperation, broaden the horizons of students and teachers and bring different cultures together. Support can be requested for mobility and cooperation projects. Erasmus+ also includes the Jean Monnet programme, which supports innovation, knowledge-sharing and the exchange of information on Europe.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to assess the implementation and feasibility of two training courses, the Gordon School for Teachers and the Teacher Awareness Course in Silence Minutes, the potential impact of the courses on teachers’ socio-emotional competences, the accuracy of their implementation, and the factors facilitating and hindering the development and use of socio-emotional competences.
Read moreThe Horizon Europe Herit4Ages project is developing user-centric and data-driven retrofitting solutions for a resilient, energy efficient, and inclusive cultural heritage. The project is coordinated by the University College of Cork, and has 12 partners in 8 countries. The Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) is representing Estonia.
Read moreThe project addresses challenges arising from the new Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) and Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) Delegated Act, mandating distributors of fund and insurance products to integrate sustainability preferences into their recommendations.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to analyse the process of reorganisation of ministries in 2023 and to identify lessons learned. The study will identify the obstacles and success stories of the reorganisation process and make suggestions for similar processes in the future.
Read moreCeMeWe (Central Baltic Mentoring for Migrant Women Seeking Employment) brings together partners from Estonia, Latvia, Finland, and Sweden, who are creating a model that aims to increase the employability of immigrant women and helps to overcome individual, domestic, and societal barriers. As a result of the project, the target group will have a clear understanding of their employment opportunities, an increase in skills, and a clear chart of the steps needed for employment.
Read moreThe purpose of the mapping is to identify the various entities engaged in civic education, encompassing both formal and informal approaches. It outlines their areas of focus within society, explores potential collaborations, and ultimately delves into their requirements for developing robust and inventive solutions to address the challenges confronting European citizens. In the project the Institute of Baltic Studies role is to actively participate as a project promotor and partner in Estonia.
Read moreThe website is a gateway to information for Estonians abroad and globally-minded Estonians in Estonia. The aim of the survey is to better understand whether and how Estonians living abroad who are aware of the portal use it. Or if not, for what reasons. It will analyse whether the portal is moving in the right direction.
Read moreThe holistic aim of the whole study is to find out the attitudes of parents of pupils in Russian-language schools and kindergartens in Tartu and the background of these attitudes towards the transition to Estonian-language education, i.e. to map the expectations and main fears of parents and to offer solutions to alleviate fears by raising parents’ language awareness.
Read moreThe Language Learner Programme, administered and operated by the Integration Foundation (INSA), offers an excellent seasonal opportunity for individuals learning Estonian to enhance their communicative language skills. The analysis of this program serves two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to scrutinize the data collected from completed datasets. Secondly, it endeavors to explore and map the practices of similar programs in various countries.
Read moreThe aim of this study was to identify and raise awareness among staff involved in implementing mobility projects. This awareness focused on the inclusion of participants with fewer opportunities. Secondly, the study aimed to highlight the importance of related measures in mobility projects.
Read moreeTwinning is a European eLearning programme for online cooperation between schools in Europe. Its purpose is to provide support and collaboration opportunities for teachers across Europe. This study aims to find out what factors motivate educators in general education schools, nursery schools, and vocational schools to participate in eTwinning and what are seen as the main barriers.
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies is involved in the support structure of the Smart Cities Marketplace, especially contributing into tasks related to matchmaking and 1-on-1 consultancy services as well as the thematic discussion and focus groups. IBS is also the local contact point of the Smart Cities Marketplace in Estonia.
Read moreThe return of the foreigner to his or her country of origin is part of the functioning of the asylum system. Individual counselling is provided to all these target groups, i.e. applicants for protection, beneficiaries and returnees. The counselling aims to provide the foreigner with reliable and impartial information on his/her rights and obligations, free of charge and in a language he/she understands, throughout the entire procedure for international protection and/or the obligation to leave.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to provide an overview of the most commonly used e-games by young people (aged 7–16) and their impact on the development of young people’s general competencies, as well as the potential link between e-games and opportunities and competences in youth work, both in Estonia and in other countries.
Read moreWhile language learning has so far been targeted at all who wish to learn and all different target groups, in the near future, it is hoped to focus language learning provision on low-skilled permanent residents with passive language skills, family migrants and beneficiaries of temporary protection. The aim of this study is to identify the specific characteristics of these three groups.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the long-term impact of the activities of the Estonian Open Government Partnership. The study will analyze possible evaluation methodologies. The assessment will have a dual focus. First, it will examine the partnership between governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations in Estonia. Second, it will assess the implementation of the three principles of transparency, co-creation, and accountability.
Read moreThis foresight study investigates the factors and trends that will likely affect the development of data society and data economy in the next 10–15 years, and proposes possible future scenarios for Estonian data society and data governance in the year 2035. Based on the scenarios, a set of key policy options are formulated to inform policymaking in the field of data economy, data society and data-driven public governance.
Read moreThe study aims to identify the size and composition of the youth workforce and to gain a comprehensive overview of the working conditions, environment and organisation, work motivation, professional self-development and opportunities, and the feedback system of professionals working long-term and permanently with young people.
Read moreTo improve the integration and well-being of people arriving in Estonia and ensure that Estonian society is cohesive in its diversity, it is essential to promote cohesion and develop activities to enable it. This is what the Estonian state has been doing through its policies, and the adaptation and integration measure supported by EU structural instruments plays an essential role in this.
Read moreEstonian language training of third-country nationals has been heavily invested in through the Estonian state budget and international projects. However, language learning must first and foremost be based on the needs of the target group, which have been studied in several previous studies and the results of which have been taken into account in the development of Estonian language learning.
Read moreThe aim of the oPEN Lab is to identify replicable, commercially viable solution packages enabling the achievement of positive energy neighbourhoods within existing urban contexts, and to test these technologies and package as an integrated solution at neighbourhood scale.
Read moreThe study aims to assess the impact and effectiveness of the Centres of Excellence measures and, on this basis, to make recommendations for further activities with Centres of Excellence. The study aims to determine to what extent the Centres of Excellence measures have successfully strengthened the level of research, cooperation and competitiveness in Estonia and what should be done differently in the future.
Read moreThis study aims to obtain an overview of the development of teleworking in the world, different measures that promote it among employers and employees and the results and impact of the implementation of these measures in different countries. The effects of teleworking and measures to mitigate negative effects will be examined as well. The final goal is to find out which of the implemented measures and interventions could be applied in Estonia.
Read moreThis project aims to ensure that third-country nationals who have arrived in Estonia on a long-stay D visa and a short-stay work permit have the necessary time and relevant knowledge to work and settle in Estonia.
Read moreThe study aims to identify the development of the Estonian bioeconomy and its main value chains, and the opportunities for using bio-resources to increase the competitiveness of the Estonian bioeconomy.
Read moreThe Network of Estonian Non-profit Organizations (NENO) unites Estonian public-benefit non-profit organizations and is working to develop an effective civil society where people have the will, opportunities, and skills to steer societal change through participation and collaboration. One of NENO’s key activities is advocacy.
Read moreThis study aims to analyse the use of different alternative nicotine products, including the combined use of nicotine and tobacco products among the Estonian population, especially young people, and to find out the reasons for consuming different products, the effect of attitudes and beliefs on consumption and how information from different products reaches the potential consumer.
Read moreThe midterm evaluation analyses how local development programmes funded through EEA and Norway Grants support structural changes at the local level and add value to EU Structural Funds.
Read moreThe goal of the study is to explore the different trends impacting the creative industries and based on these trends, create development scenarios or future scenarios are created to better understand upcoming trends. The future scenarios also serve as a basis for policy recommendations for the sustainability of creative industries.
Read moreIn 2020, 834 crimes and 4,239 misdemeanours were registered as juvenile offences in Estonia. The most common crimes committed by young people were thefts and physical abuse. The most common misdemeanours are alcohol and drug use, petty theft, traffic offenses and smoking.
Read moreThe aim of a landscape architect is to develop a complete spatial solution of the landscape as an outdoor space. The landscape architect creates comfortable, safe and interesting landscape spaces – both residential areas and recreation areas, as well as public urban spaces and private outdoor spaces for private clients.
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies together with Tartu Regional Energy Agency and OÜ Tepsli conducted an analysis to explore how the planned activities and energy and climate goals of REKK 2030 are being implemented in local governments.
Read moreTartu Youth Council is a participatory body with advisory rights consisting of young people operating at a rural municipality or city council. The youth council typically discusses issues concerning young people within the competence of the rural municipality or city council and makes proposals based on the needs and interests of young people. Participating and participating in the work of the city youth council is one of the direct ways in which young people can participate in local life issues and in the work of the city council or rural municipalit
Read moreSince 2008, more than two million euros have been invested in school robotics in Estonia, which is the largest investment in robotics per capita in the world. This, in turn, has ensured that almost half of Estonian schools are equipped with robots and are able to organize robotics-related activities.
Read moreThe aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness, impact and implementation of the ASTRA measure and to describe the lessons learned. The results, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation of the ASTRA measure and the activities implemented within it will help to prepare new measures for the next structural funds period.
Read moreThe starting point of the KÜSK development project is IBS’ wish to increase the impact of our studies and other activities. Thus, the aim of the project is to increase the capabilities of IBS. This will help IBS communicate its activities better. The goal is also to create value for strategically important stakeholder groups. This will ensure that IBS’ work meets the needs of society.
Read moreThe aim of this project, conducted by the Institute of Baltic Studies, is to explore foreign practices related to the provision of micro-qualifications. It will also analyze the readiness of the Estonian vocational and education system to offer micro-qualifications. Additionally, the project will seek to understand which system would best suit the Estonian context.
Read moreUuringu eesmärgiks on kohalike omavalitsuste ametnike ja töötajate koolitusvajaduse hindamise analüüs, mis sisaldab ettepanekuid kohalike omavalitsuste personali arendamise valdkonna probleemide lahendamiseks järgneval 5-10-aastasel perioodil.
Read moreThe evaluation aims to provide a better overview of the effectiveness and relevance of the Kristjan Jaak programme. The study by IBS will assess its activities in light of the objectives set for the programme. The evaluation will also help to understand the significance of the Kristjan Jaak programme compared to other major learning mobility programmes, such as Erasmus+ and Dora Plus.
Read moreIt is essential that every young person has the opportunity to participate in youth work activities. To this end, changes are being made in the youth field, with a strong focus on diversifying activities and training youth workers.
Read moreInstitute of Baltic Studies, in cooperation with the Universities of Tartu and…
Read moreAs part of this process, the Institute of Baltic Studies will carry…
Read moreThis survey aims to determine the recreational sports activity of Tartu residents,…
Read moreThe aim of this study is to explore Estonian communities abroad. This…
Read moreThe goal of the Allthings.bioPRO project is to foster the transition to bioeconomy through engagement and co-creation. IBS’ main task is to create a framework for evaluating the different activities and results of the project, which includes evaluation in real-time but also of the project as a whole.
Read moreIn 2021, the Integration Foundation (INSA) will offer Estonian language instruction at…
Read moreThough difficult to quantify, the variety of possible ID document frauds at borders is a reality that threatens politicians holding responsibility for borders as well as EU citizens. Based on the needs expressed by practitioners, the iMARS consortium has launched a Horizon 2020 project that will improve the operational capacity of passport application and border control operators by providing both short-term ad-hoc solutions.
Read moreDue to increasing immigration, Estonia is becoming increasingly multilingual and multicultural, and…
Read moreSotsiaalne kaasatus ja sidusus tähendab ühiskonnaliikmete aktiivset osalemist ühiskondlikus elus, sealhulgas töötamist,…
Read moreAn acute labour shortage exists in many sectors of labour market, while…
Read moreThe purpose of this study was to assess the relevance, impact, effectiveness. Also, to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the implementation of the YGSS. The study concluded that YGSS is effective. Its implementation and support measures greatly aid youth in labor market entry and education continuation. Estonia’s context involves labor market measures, networking, counseling, and proactivity.
Read moreCommissioned by the State Shared Service Centre, the Institute of Baltic Studies…
Read moreThe aim of the project is to support the social impact of…
Read moreHindamise eesmärk on saada teada, kuidas koolid näevad kogukonnapraktika programmi jätkusuutlikkust ja milline on nende hinnangul Vabaühenduste Liidu roll selles ning saada teada, kas ja kuidas on võimalik ning mõistlik hinnata programmis osalevate õpilaste hoiakute muutumist.
Read moreMõjuanalüüsi eesmärk on teada saada, kes paberkandjal ajakirja tellinutest seda tegelikult loevad, mida nad ajakirjast õpivad ja mis muutuks, kui ajakiri enam trükituna ei ilmuks.
Read moreCommissioned by the Ministry of Culture, the Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS)…
Read moreMulticultural education is becoming an increasingly important educational policy issue. Today’s migration…
Read moreDemokraatiaseminaride eesmärk on interaktiivsete kaasamismeetodite kaudu tutvustada õpilastele demokraatliku osalemise ja põhiõiguste alaseid teemavaldkondi ning koolitada õpetajad ja juhtkonda viisidest, kuidas demokraatliku kaasamist klassiruumis praktiliselt rakendada ning milliste meetoditega suurendada või käsitleda õpilaste teadlikkust põhiõigustest teemadel.
Read moreDespite many cities in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) currently investing large…
Read moreBalti Uuringute Instituut (IBS) teeb SA Archimedese noorteagentuuri (SANA) tellimusel Noortekohtumiste programmi mõju uuringut. Uuringul on kolm peamist eesmärki.
Read moreAt the request of the Ministry of the Interior, The Institute of…
Read moreCommissioned by the Ministry of Finance, the Institute of Baltics Studies (IBS)…
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies in collaboration with Turu-Uuringute AS is conducting…
Read moreIn the summer of 2018 the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations ordered an analysis…
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) together with Tallinn University Civil Society…
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic studies (IBS) is conducting a study into the…
Read moreEXCEPT is a H2020 project led by Tallinn University. EXCEPT is an…
Read moreThe aim of the study is to map companies’ need for product…
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) in collaboration with HeiVäl Consulting carried…
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies is part of the CatChain, a major…
Read moreThe HEAT project, with partners from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Sweden, addresses…
Read moreDistrict heating (DH) is one of the most energy efficient systems to…
Read moreThe project wants to make it easier for people in cities around…
Read moreViisime läbi kahe Integratsiooni Sihtasutuse projekti – sotsiaalkampaania “Karjäär Eestis” ja audiovisuaalmeediaprogramm „Meie Eestid“ – tulemuslikkuse hindamise.
Read moreThe purpose of the study is to map the competences of youth…
Read moreThe goal of the mid-term evaluation is to explore whether the activity processes help achieve the aims of implementation and assess their relevance and sustainability. a set of practical suggestions will be compiled on how to use the methodology in the Estonian context and how to organize constant expansion at a system level in the most efficient way.
Read moreThe main objective of the study is to analyze the provision labor market services in Estonia, focusing in particular on the unemployed of other nationalities and the practices of their integration into the labor market.
Read moreThe study aims to provide an overview of the expression of human rights and their basic values such as equality, human dignity, inclusion and non-discrimination in Estonian educational policy documents and school culture, and to offer recommendations for the creation of human rights education in Estonia.
Read moreWe will carry out an international project which focuses on employers and aims to contribute to the entry and integration of immigrants in the Estonian labour market.
Read moreWe will take a closer look at the latest developments in the field of integration in the Estonian society.
Read moreIn November and December 2016, the Institute of Baltic Studies conducted a survey in Tartu schools to gather data for the international study “Youth in Europe 2016. Youth and Welfare.
Read moreViime läbi Eesti Töötukassa poolt rakendatava tegevuse „Minu esimene töökoht“ vahehindamise.
Read moreInstitute of Baltic Studies, in cooperation with the University of Tartu, is carrying out a survey “Status of the Estonian Language”, which is designed to determine the situation regarding the status, learning, research, and development of the Estonian language.
Read moreAnalüüsime Sihtasutuse Archimedes poolt rakendatud EMP ja Norra stipendiumiprogrammi tulemuslikkust.
Read moreAnalüüsime rändestatistikat ning teeme ettepanekud rändega seotud andmete kogumise, väljastamise ja esitamise parendamiseks.
Read moreViisime läbi meta-analüüsi uurimaks rahvuspõhist ebavõrdsust Eesti tööturul.
Read moreSuurendame kohalike omavalitsuste võimekust kolmandate riikide kodanikele teabe vahendamisel ja avalike teenuste pakkumisel.
Read moreThe purpose of the evaluation is to provide an overview of the results and impact of actions co-financed by the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund and the External Borders Fund.
Read moreIBS maps the e-services and digital solutions used in the youth work area in Estonia, and compiles recommendations for adopting new IT solutions within the youth work field.
Read moreThe ATENA project proposes an innovative and modernised logical framework with design improvements for IACS (Industrial and Automation Control Systems).
Read moreWe map the most remarkable examples of social and technological innovation in Estonia.
Read moreWe help to develop Tartu into sustainable, smart and resource-efficient urban environment – into a smart city.
Read moreProject aims to build the knowledge basis for the effective implementation of the Victims Directive by proposing model practices for relevant institutions.
Read moreViime läbi küsitlusuuringu üksikvanemate elukorraldusest ja toimetulekust Eestis.
Read moreWe evaluate the impact of the activities conducted under the “Compatriots programme” 2009–2013 and recommend additional activities that would help expatriates retain and strengthen their ties with Estonia.
Read moreThe objective is to identify the barriers and obstacles of free movement from the viewpoint of young Europeans (aged 25-35) who exercise or plan to exercise the right of freedom of movement within the EU.
Read moreThe purpose of the evaluation was to provide an overview of the activities carried out with the Fund in the period 2011-2013 and to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, complementarity and additionality of the Fund’s implementation programs and their contribution to the strategic policy objectives underpinning the Fund.
Read moreThe assessment focused on the 62 social service projects that were implemented with the Fund’s funding. The assessment involved interviews and consultations by the implementers of the Fund, relevant public sector representatives, project managers and partners, area experts and also NGO-s who had applied for but had not received funding.
Read moreThe integration monitoring is based on the sectoral development plan Integrating Estonia 2020, which sets the strategic goal of developing an integrated and cohesive Estonian society, where people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds actively participate in social life and share democratic values.
Read moreHindamise eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Euroopa Pagulasfondist, Euroopa Tagasipöördumisfondist ning Välispiirifondist kaasrahastatud meetmete tulemuste ja mõju kohta.
Read moreThe aim of the study was to obtain feedback on the system of in-service teacher education in general education schools, to identify the need for in-service teacher education and to make proposals for the development of in-service teacher education system.
Read moreThe main aim of this project was to get an up-to-date overview of the cooperation between local governments and NGOs in the provision of public services.
Read moreThe Institute of Baltic Studies coordinated the preparation of proposals for the Integration Development Plan “Integrating Estonia 2020” for the planning of research, the establishment of the Research Council’s working principles, the definition of development plan goals and the development of a monitoring model of integration processes.
Read moreThe project aims to study the security of the extended border and more particularly passport breeder document security. The underlying idea is to improve the security and therefore to restore the confidence in the application process and issuance of e-passports, by filling the gaps in security of breeder documents.
Read moreThe aim of the project was to support the development of democratic values and political participation among the young generation of Belarusian civil society leaders. During the project 30 young civil society leaders were trained in citizens’ forum method.
Read moreKoostame TLÜ Kasvatusteaduste instituudi õppekavade võrdluse ja analüüsi tuginedes kutsestandarditele ja Elukestva õppe strateegiale 2020.
Read moreThe major objective of the project is to protect EU citizens’ identities from all current threats but also to foresee what the future threats would be. The project will study in deep the identity theft phenomenon in Europe, revealing the flaws in the different “paper-based” procedures but also in the new dematerialized processes, assess the threat for the citizen and develop technological components, backward compatible with different existing Member State frameworks.
Read moreThe objective of the ex-ante evaluation of the Estonian Rural Development Plan was to improve the quality, performance and efficiency of its design and implementation, taking into account the objective evaluations and recommendations of the independent evaluator and optimizing the allocation of budgetary resources.
Read moreThe aim of the project was to develop a common platform for providing innovative services to increase the interaction among the expats, locals and private and public service providers.
Read moreThe project aimed to inform and engage key policy actors about how to use indicators to improve integration governance and policy effectiveness.
Read moreWhat is the situation with the adaptation of newly-arrived immigrants in Estonia and what kind of migration support system should be adopted?
Read moreThe purpose of the thematic pages is to collect background information on the field of integration by providing input into the new integration program “Integrating Estonia 2020”.
Read moreThe aim of the project was to gather information, analyze and evaluate support services for Estonian asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, including comparisons with good practices in other Member States.
Read moreThe analysis aimed at describing the business processes and services of a living laboratory in detail, identifying opportunities for involving different user groups and segments in the living laboratory, planning for sustainable development.
Read moreFrom November 2012 until October 2013 Praxis Center for Policy Studies and Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS) implemented the project “National Debates on Integration for Third Country Nationals in Estonia”. The main objective of the project was to include third country nationals and people with undetermined citizenship living in Estonia (TCN) in policy making processes in the field of integration policy in Estonia.
Read moreThe aim of this project was to analyse promotion of equal treatment in labour market and awareness altogether in Estonian society. The main target group were European third country nationals and persons without citizenship. In addition, activities were directed to additional groups: business leaders and human resources managers; Russian and Estonian media; local and governmental (ministries) policy makers, NGOs, experts, analytics and scientists.
Read moreThe objective of study is to conduct an analysis of the competitiveness of the Estonian wood sector and identify success factors to lay the foundations at the national level to mitigate bottlenecks and strengths in the sector and provide quality information for decision making at the enterprise level.
Read moreThe goal of Estonia in the development of public services is to…
Read moreSignificant efforts have been invested to make travel documents more secure by…
Read moreThe GRINCOH project focuses on two major challenges facing the CEECs that…
Read moreInstitute of Baltic Studies project “Young Citizens’ Panel: Politics is Cool!” aimed…
Read moreThe purpose of the evaluation conducted by the Institute of Baltic Studies is to evaluate the effectiveness of the national Kristjan Jaak scholarship program on the basis of grants awarded during the 2006/2007 to 2010/2011 academic years.
Read moreHow the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea could learn to make the most of their human capital, both native and foreign-born?
Read moreAs part of the project „Estonian ICT Cluster” it was necessary to…
Read moreThe mid‐term evaluation of the implementation of measures in favour of R&D…
Read moreOn 29th September 2011 Institute of Baltic Studies together with the Estonian…
Read moreInstitute of Baltic Studies has been the official Estonian national focal point…
Read moreCentral Baltic Job Ferry project aimed to improve the mobility of labour…
Read moreThe purpose of the research project “Research on the Situation of Persons…
Read moreInternational Cluster conference „Inspiring Clusters in the Beginning of the New Decade”…
Read moreOn 16th February 2011 Institute of Baltic Studies organised an integration-themed election…
Read moreThe goal of the project was to find an answer to the…
Read moreThe goal of the study “Services Provided for Asylum Seekers with Special…
Read moreTo promote new innovative high growth firms e.g. “gazelles” by encouraging entrepreneurial…
Read moreThe idea with the Ballad project is to open up the markets…
Read moreProject EGOPRISE (“E-GOvernment solutions as instruments to qualify the public sector for…
Read moreMaintenance of the European website on integration (EWSI) is a joint project of European…
Read more“Creating an Online Database System of Civil Society Funding Opportunities” is a…
Read moreOn 11 January 2010 Enterprise Estonia, acting as host organisation of the…
Read moreThe aim of the project is to analyse and evaluate intensively participation practices in nine Estonian ministries during 2007-2009, prepare methodology and framework for similar evaluations in the future and propose suitable policy recommendations for improving the participative culture in public sector in forming publicly important legal acts and development documents.
Read moreThe aim of the survey was to analyse the functionality of the…
Read moreStructural funds are allocated for Estonia by the EU in order to…
Read moreKaardistasime IKT alase teadus- ja arendustegevuse hetkeolukorra ning potentsiaali, sealhulgas arengutakistused ja –võimalused.
Read moreThe aim of the activities carried out within the framework of public…
Read moreThe overall goal of the RIS process in the region Banská Bystrica…
Read moreThis project analysed the recent patterns of industrial restructuring in the new…
Read moreThe Galilee Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprises RIS Programme (GAL-EDGE) aimed to…
Read moreEconomic development and national competitiveness are very much dependent on the quality…
Read moreINGINEUS (Impact of Networks, Globalisation, and their INteraction with EU Strategies, 2009-2011) is…
Read moreThe EUMARGINS project seeks to identify key policy factors relevant to the transition of…
Read moreThe goal of the development monitoring was to find out in which areas information and communication technologies can contribute most to the development of the Estonian economy and society over the next decade.
Read moreGlobalization leads to greater challenges for Research and Technology Development (RTD) policies…
Read moreThe project’s central purpose was to explore the role that national minorities…
Read moreThe preparation of Estonian state programme „Integration in Estonian Society 2008-2013” was…
Read moreThe RegStrat-project, which ran from 2007 until March 2009, was based on…
Read moreResearch and Technological Development (RTD) is essential for the functioning and sustainability…
Read moreThe SUPER-SME project aims to contribute to the objective of raising the…
Read moreThe project SupPolicy aimed at supporting the sub-national and national research and…
Read moreThis project was approved in the FP6-2004-KNOW-REG-2 call for proposals of the…
Read moreCommercialisation of first-class research and the development of the European Biotech Healthcare…
Read more8.6% of GDP in Europe is spent on health, of which 6.4%…
Read moreEstonian Regional Innovation Strategy (ERIS) was a project financed from Regional Innovation Strategies…
Read moreThe four-year project aims to try to establish science stores in Estonia. The goal of the Institute of Baltic Studies is to conduct pilot projects and see what format science stores could be set up in Estonia.
Read moreThe project EURO-COOP was a Specific Support Action of the 6th Framework…
Read moreBuilding upon achievements of previous initiatives such as FOREN, FOMOFO, IOFCO, C+…
Read moreThe project helped to develop strategies for regional sustainable development, by promoting…
Read moreThe project aimed to integrate Estonian leading IST research and development labs…
Read more