A Model for Evaluating the Long-term Impact of the Activities of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Estonia
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international initiative to promote good governance worldwide. Open government is about exercising power fairly, transparently and in dialogue with citizens. Estonia joined the Open Government Partnership in 2012.
The Government of the Republic implements OGP activities in Estonia through two-year action plans. Ministries select the activities in the Action Plans based on proposals submitted in response to a public call for ideas and initiatives. At the conclusion of the Action Plan’s duration, the Government of the Republic receives a final report on implementation. At the end of the action plan’s duration, the Government of the Republic receives a final report on implementation. This final report is based on the reviews conducted by the government departments responsible for the activities, making it a self-assessment report.
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) assesses the implementation of the action plans. This assessment is carried out through two methods. First, it involves considering the final report submitted to the Government. Second, it involves conducting interviews with the responsible actors and partners involved. The assessment primarily focuses on evaluating the impact of OGP activities during the action plan implementation period.
The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the long-term impact of the activities of the Estonian Open Government Partnership. The study will analyze possible evaluation methodologies. These methodologies should be suitable for assessing the impact of the process of designing, implementing, and monitoring the Action Plan. The assessment will have a dual focus. First, it will examine the partnership between governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations in Estonia. Second, it will assess the implementation of the three principles of transparency, co-creation, and accountability.