Assessment of the results and impact of the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund and the European External Borders Fund
The purpose of the evaluation, commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior, is to provide an overview of the results and impact of actions co-financed by the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund and the External Borders Fund. The study shall assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and additionality of the programs under consideration, both in terms of program implementation and expected results and impacts.
The evaluation will focus on the activities carried out under the following programs:
- European Refugee Fund (EDF) Annual Programs 2008-2010. The Fund finances measures for receiving refugees and displaced persons and bearing the consequences thereof. Funding in Estonia is mainly granted through open calls for proposals.
- European Return Fund (TPF) Annual Programs 2008-2010. The European Return Fund has established a common financial responsibility regime which supports Member States in their efforts to improve all measures related to the management of return. This will be done on the basis of the integrated management of return procedures, encouraging voluntary return and supporting the fair and effective implementation of common standards on return. The Fund also supports joint return operations involving several Member States at the same time. Each annual program shall include at least one public call for proposals for actions where the responsible authority acts as awarding body. Each annual program shall also organize at least one restricted call for proposals for actions where the responsible authority acts as an executing body.
- External Borders Fund (hereinafter “VPF”) annual programs 2007-2010. The VPF supports activities which contribute to the strengthening of the area of freedom, security and justice and the application of the principle of solidarity between the Member States of the European Union. The projects are implemented by the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the competent national authorities (Police and Border Guard Board and the Ministry of the Interior Information Technology and Development Center).
The evaluation is funded by the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund and the External Borders Fund and co-financed by the Ministry of the Interior.
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