Midterm Evaluation of Local Development Programmes (EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021) 

The midterm evaluation analyses how local development programmes funded through EEA and Norway Grants support structural changes at the local level and add value to EU Structural Funds. The evaluation is coordinated by CREDA Consulting and Blomeyer & Sanz. In Estonia, the Institute of Baltic Studies is responsible for evaluating the “Local Development and Poverty Reduction” programme. 

The Institute of Baltic Studies gathers and analyses data on the programme and projects in Estonia by conducting document analysis at both programme and project levels and interviews with project promoters, the national focal point, and the programme operator.

The evaluated Estonian programme focuses on public health, gender equality, the well-being of children and families, juvenile offenders, support services in education and youth work, and the preservation of cultural heritage. The study sample included 13 funded projects, which consisted of predefined projects, open calls, and small grant schemes. 

The evaluation focuses on the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and bilateral cooperation. The midterm evaluation results are intended for donor states, the FMO, beneficiary states, and partner organisations.