Monitoring the integration of Estonian society 2020
Institute of Baltic Studies, in cooperation with the Universities of Tartu and Tallinn and the Center for Policy Studies PRAXIS, will conduct a study to monitor the integration of the Estonian society in 2020.
The theoretical concept of the study “Monitoring the Integration of Estonian Society 2020” (EIM 2020) is based on the need to understand the adaptation and integration processes in Estonia and provide input to the planning and implementation of national adaptation and integration policies, including (but not limited to) draft legislation, programs and information materials. The basis for developing the EIM 2020 concept is:
- the sectoral development plan “Integrating Estonia 2020” (LE 2020) and the objectives formulated in its implementation plan for the period 2016-2020, and
- The Population and Cohesive Society Development Plan (RSÜ), which will replace LE 2020 from 2021, and covers adaptation and integration policy as a whole.
The goal of EIM 2020 is:
- to understand the adaptation and integration processes taking place in Estonia. In addition to the snapshot of current state, the analysis will summarize the developments of the last twenty years;
- monitor the indicators of LE 2020 and its implementation plan and develop indicators for the RSÜ (eg adaptation of new immigrants in Estonia);
- provide input to draft legislation, programs, public procurement and information materials related to the design of adaptation and integration policies;
- support and provide input to other policies that address cultural diversity;
- provide comparative data on key adaptation and integration indicators at EU level.
The target group of the survey is all permanent residents of Estonia aged 15-85 and immigrants and returnees who have settled in Estonia in the last five years. Specifically, this study has four important target groups:
- Estonians,
- permanent residents with a mother tongue other than Estonian,
- new immigrants and other foreigners born outside Estonia,
- returnees.
The theoretical concept of the EIM 2020 study is largely based on the 2014-2017 monitoring concept. It is based on the interpretation of integration through the concept of state identity, which unites Estonian society as a whole regardless of people’s different ethnic backgrounds (Vetik 2017; Vetik 2019). The research concept is based on eight thematic emphases that are important in today’s integration processes in Estonia: 1) education; 2) the labor market; 3) coping and well-being; 3) media and information space; 4) the language and culture of national minorities and ethnic groups; 5) equal treatment; 6) citizenship; 7) language learning and 8) adaptation of new immigrants, and 9) state identity.
The monitoring is carried out in co-operation with the Universities of Tartu and Tallinn and the Center for Policy Studies PRAXIS, a survey of the population is conducted by Turu-Uuringute AS and communication activities are organized by communication expert Martin Jaško. The final report of the study will be published in April 2021.