Reorganisation of Ministries
Analysis of the restructuring of ministries
The aim of the study is to analyse the process of reorganisation of ministries in 2023 and to identify lessons learned. The study will identify the obstacles and success stories of the reorganisation process. Furthermore, it will make suggestions for similar processes in the future. Among other things, it aims to identify the necessary prerequisites. These prerequisites need to be put in place, developed, and ensured in government departments and their sub-departments to facilitate the reorganisation of ministries. This is crucial for making such processes efficient, smooth, and as seamless as possible for all parties involved.
At the same time, the openness, transparency and knowledge-based nature of the process must be ensured. Data collection for this study takes place in November and December 2023. It utilizes in-depth interviews, focus groups, a questionnaire survey, and a co-creation workshop. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding of the reorganization process and its impacts.