User Survey on the Global Estonian Portal
The Global Estonian portal analysis
The Global Estonian portal ( is a gateway to information for Estonians abroad and globally-minded Estonians in Estonia. Additionally, it shares information about Estonian activities abroad. It also provides the latest information on the practical steps the state is taking to support Estonians abroad. It helps keep Estonians around the world connected to Estonia. The Integration Foundation designs and manages the portal. It does so in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Education and Research.
The aim of the survey is to better understand whether and how Estonians living abroad who are aware of the portal use it. Or if not, for what reasons. It will analyze whether the portal is moving in the right direction, i.e. whether it meets the needs of the target group, fulfils their wishes and expectations, and identifies potential changes for improvement.
To meet the objectives of the study, we have formulated research questions:
- What kind of information do Estonians living abroad want/need about Estonia, Estonian communities abroad, entrepreneurship, youth activities, and returning to Estonia?
- What kind of information do they want, what they want to know, what they are doing, what they are looking for, what they want to do, what they want to do, what they want to do, what they want to do and where they want to do it.
- Do they use, among others, Global Estonian channels (,,
- Is there a need for a portal such as for the target group?
- Do GE/INSA channels provide relevant content for the target audience?
- Does GE’s website provide content relevant to the target audience?
- If there are no repeat visits, why not?
- What other channels should GE/INSA include in order to be accessible to the widest possible audience?
- If GE channels are not used, why not?
- If so, what changes and additional information would the target group prefer?
- Are they willing to actively contribute to the creation of online content (sharing their own stories, information on upcoming and past events and news, etc.) and to what extent?