Overview of Youth Centers in Estonia
The study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of…
Read moreThe study aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of…
Read moreDeveloping teachers’ social-emotional competence is essential as it helps them cope with stress, improves job satisfaction, and enhances their perceived well-being in the school environment.
Read moreThe primary objective of the study was to assess the user experience…
Read moreThis evaluation aimed to provide a final review of the European Solidarity Corps programme for 2018-2020 and a mid-term review for 2021-2027.
Read moreThe study aimed to better understand how competencies are developed in training under the European Youth Programmes and to find ways to improve these training opportunities. This is important for helping the youth sector and training providers to enhance skills and support the European Training Strategy.
Read moreE-games have been gaining popularity in Estonia. Digital game-based learning is fast becoming one of the most dominant methods of learning. At the same time, however, the application of e-games and their usefulness in both formal and non-formal learning is still largely unknown. The focus of this survey was to look at the potential of integrating e-games into youth work in Estonia.
Read moreEstimates suggest that Estonia has approximately 12,300 youth workers, categorized as follows: 43% are recreation school teachers, 28% are coaches, 15% are leisure instructors, and 14% are youth workers. Of these, 67% are women, and slightly less than half have a master’s degree or higher. The survey was the first in Estonia to identify the size and composition of the youth workforce. It also provided an in-depth overview of the working conditions, environment, and organization of professionals working with young people, work motivation, self-development, and feedback system practices.
Read moreTo better understand the use of alternative nicotine products, which are becoming increasingly popular among youth, this study provided an overview of what these products are, how much and why they are used in Estonia, where they are obtained, and what attitudes and beliefs are associated with their use.
Read moreThe survey revealed that approximately 96% of parents are aware of the Tartu city government’s decision to switch to Estonian-language education by 2025. Most of the time, they heard about the decision either from the (social) media, the management of the educational institution or its staff. In general, parents are not happy with the decision, creating a lot of uncertainty among parents.
Read moreThis study aimed to get an overview of the in-use practices promoting remote work in foreign countries and Estonia’s development opportunities. Four measures were explored: regulatory, awareness raising and information providing, infrastructure and networks, and financial support.
Read moreParticipation in the course has had the most positive effect on improving participants’ communication skills, but also on the increased use of Estonian in everyday life and on feeling better and more comfortable living in Estonia in general.
Read moreThe results for 2022 show a number of positive developments in the work of the Tartu City Council. In addition to a surge in voter turnout, the number of candidates for TLNV membership has also increased. Young people’s awareness of both the existence and the activities of the TLNV has also increased, as well as their contact with TLNV members and participation in events organised by the TLNV.
Read moreThis study aimed to explore the impact and importance of the Robotex event and to better understand its organisation and development needs. In addition to analysing other similar studies, this study included a questionnaire survey of Robotex participants and their supervisors.
Read moreFinding a job as a landscape architect is somewhat tricky, as the job requires a variety of knowledge and skills as well as several personal qualities. Low pay, a modest reputation and misplaced job expectations are significant obstacles, leading many landscape architecture graduates to opt for a non-specialist job.
Read moreThe Youth Guarantee Support System (YGSS) is a tool for the local government with the purpose of mapping out young people who are nor working or studying (NEET youth) and, if necessary, proactively offering them targeted support, primarily for continuing their education and/or reaching the labour market. The purpose of this study was to provide an assessment of the relevance, impact, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of the implementation of the YGSS.
Read moreThe study aimed to find out the recreational sports activity of Tartu…
Read moreThe aim of the study was to map organizations and their activities in the field of multicultural education over the last few years, to give an overview of their competences and capabilities, and to gather ideas from practitioners on issues related to multicultural education and their possible solutions.
Read moreIn the project, IBS is the subcontractor responsible for delivering 20 country…
Read moreThe impact of the Erasmus+ programme cannot be easily discerned from the impact other parallel activities have. Additionally, the impact of the programme is largely dependent on the culture of the work place and the person who participated in the activity.
Read moreThe purpose of analyzing the feedback to community practice was to systematize the experience of participants and gather information to develep the program, to support participants and to better acquaint target groups with the program.
Read moreKäesolevas töös on analüüsitud tööturuteenuste osutamise praktikaid Eestis, keskendudes Töötukassa poolt registreeritud…
Read moreSiinne uuring annab esmalt ülevaate sellest, kuidas Eesti koolides inimõigusi käsitletakse, millised…
Read moreAccording to the Estonian Youth Work Act, youth work is: the creation…
Read moreThe aim of the interim evaluation was to gather practical recommendations on how to effectively use the PAX methodology in Estonia as well as to outline a continuous plan for distributing it on the system level.
Read moreEestis viimase 10-15 aasta jooksul läbiviidud uuringute tulemused näitavad ning kinnitavad jätkuvalt…
Read moreThe survey confirmed that Estonian teachers show strong support for contemporary approaches to learning, but that they have not yet been sufficiently implemented in schools.
Read moreThe study found that Estonian court proceedings cannot be considered child-friendly in most cases. Among other issues, the right of children to be informed and consulted in practice, and the specific needs of children are often not taken into account during interrogation.
Read moreIncreasing labour mobility is a policy goal both at the EU level…
Read moreThe project aimed to encourage Russian-speaking schoolchildren from Narva to be more active in social life and thus to participate more in the political process.
Read moreBased on documentation on the implementation of the scholarship scheme, existing reports, evaluation interviews, web surveys and focus group discussions, it can be concluded that the Kristjan Jaak scholarship program is relevant and up-to-date in its contribution to higher education development.
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