

Final Evaluation of the Active Citizens Fund program in Estonia

The aim of the Active Citizens Fund program evaluation was to determine whether the program’s objectives and results have been achieved and what could be done differently in the future to better meet similar objectives. The evaluation examined how the ACF program has helped strengthen Estonian civil society, increase civic activity, and empower vulnerable groups. By using research questions, the relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness of ACF grants were closely examined and evaluated, with attention also paid to the challenges of program implementation and the sustainability of supported projects.

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Analysis of the restructuring of ministries

The reorganization of ministries in Estonia in 2023 aimed to enhance management effectiveness and streamline policy implementation. The overarching goal was to avoid the compartmentalization of ministries. This objective was closely tied to environmental initiatives, such as greening reforms, and efforts to combat regional inequalities.

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Global Estonian

The purpose of this analysis was to better understand the information needs of Estonians living outside of Estonia and to collect thoughts and suggestions for the Global Estonian portal and its associated Facebook page and newsletter.

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