Research project on competence development for youth work through trainings in the european youth programmes (RAY-COMP)

The study aimed to better understand how competencies are developed in training under the European Youth Programmes and to find ways to improve these training opportunities. This is important for helping the youth sector and training providers to enhance skills and support the European Training Strategy.

The study included focus group interviews with training providers, trainers, and youth workers. They discussed the basis for training, the role of the European Training Strategy, how well training meets needs, and what helps or hinders training. The findings were reported in both Estonian and English.

The analysis showed that people are generally very satisfied with the Estonian youth training system. It is seen as diverse and well-organised. The quality of the training, the methods used, and the opportunities for networking and exchanging experiences, as well as teaching practical skills, are all important.

Regarding the training content, both Agency representatives and trainers believe it meets the needs of the target group. However, participants sometimes feel the training is too superficial and doesn’t fully meet their expectations. This highlights the need to tailor the training content to the target group and use effective feedback mechanisms.

Another issue is getting to training. Those who most need to develop their skills often struggle to attend. The main problem is the short notice period, which doesn’t allow enough time to plan. Additionally, many youth workers lack reflective skills, meaning they don’t know how to assess their own development needs.
