2021 Improving Skills and Knowledge for Prison Staff Working with Children – A Comparative Study on Social Programmes to Reduce Risky Behavior”
2021–2022 Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Impact of the Institutional Development Program for Research and Development Institutions and Higher Education Institutions (ASTRA)
2021 Opportunities of Introducing Micro-qualifications (Micro-credentials) in the Estonian Education and Vocation System Based on International Practice
2020–2021 Study of Practising Recreational Sports and Opportunities for Recreational Sports Among Tartu Residents
2020–2021 Avatud noorsootöö, huvihariduse ja huvitegevuse võimalused noorte, eelkõige tõrjutusriskis noorte, sotsiaalse kaasatuse suurendamiseks ning vajadused nende võimaluste arendamiseks
2020–2022 Various Trainings and Events to Introduce Estonian Labour Market to Postgraduate Students from Third Countries
2011 Evaluation of the implementation of measures in favour of R&D and higher education in the framework of the EU co‐financed Structural Funds 2007‐2013