Maarja Olesk

Analyst and project manager

Maarja is an analyst at the Institute of Baltic Studies. She primarily works on policy evaluation and social innovation projects, in addition to other topics.

Thanks to her previous work experience, Maarja is familiar with both civil society and academia. She has coordinated projects and grant programs in the third sector and worked as a junior researcher at the Tallinn University of Technology, where she defended her PhD in public administration and technology governance. Maarja has furthered her studies at universities in Belgium, France, and Germany, supervised master’s and bachelor’s theses, taught a lecture course on policy analysis techniques, and published research articles on digital innovation in the public sector, open data, co-creation, e-democracy, and other related topics. Since 2018, she has collaborated as an independent evaluator with the international Open Government Partnership, helping assess countries’ progress in promoting open governance.

In her free time, Maarja enjoys spending quality time with her family and attempts to revive her former piano-playing skills.