Maarja Olesk

Analyst and project manager

Maarja’s cooperation with the Baltic Studies Institute started in 2015. Today, as an Analyst, she mainly works on policy evaluation and sustainable innovation. Since 2018, Maarja has been collaborating with the international open government partnership Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM), helping to assess countries’ progress in promoting open government.

Maarja holds a PhD in Public Administration and Technology Governance from TalTech (Tallinn University of Technology). In her doctoral thesis, Maarja studied the barriers to digital innovation in the public sector. Previously, she has also studied at universities in Belgium and France, worked as a project manager in the third sector and as a junior researcher at Tallinn University of Technology. Maarja has published research articles and studies on open data and data-driven service co-creation, e-participation, cross-border data exchange and real-time economy, supervised master and bachelor theses and taught a lecture course on policy analysis techniques.