Mart Veliste


Mart has worked as an Analyst at the Institute of Baltic Studies since 2018. He has been involved in several national and EU research projects. Mart has worked on projects related to entrepreneurship (including social entrepreneurship) and the innovation ecosystem, sustainability and smart cities, integration, education, regional cooperation, and programme impact assessment. These include several projects of the Interreg formats in Estonia-Latvia, Central Europe and the Baltic Sea Region (e.g. BSR Electric, Cities.multimodal and Inno Infra Share). Mart is also a member of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform team, where he is one of the thematic experts on SME Competitiveness.

Mart holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Tartu (cum laude). His academic background has given him a broad knowledge of social science methodologies. Mart is well versed in qualitative methods, having previously designed, conducted and analysed questionnaires, interviews and focus groups.