2021–2022Tegevuse „Institutsionaalne arendusprogramm teadus- ja arendusasutustele ja kõrgkoolidele“ (ASTRA) tulemuslikkuse ja mõju hindamine
2016–2019Advanced Tools to assess and mitigate the criticality of ICT components and their dependencies over Critical Infrastructures
2014–2016Recommendations for Reliable Breeder Documents: Restoring e-Passport Confidence and Leveraging Extended Border Security
2012–2016Fast and trustworthy Identity Delivery and check with ePassports leveraging Traveler privacy
2011EL tõukefondide perioodi 2007-2013 teadus- ja arendustegevuse ning kõrghariduse meetmete rakendamise hindamine
2005–2007Industrial Restructuring in the NIS: experience of and lessons from the new EU Member States
2009–2011Võrgustike ja globaliseerumise mõju ning suhestumine Euroopa Liidu strateegiatega, 2009-2011
2006–2007Strategic policy intelligence tools for better science and technology investment strategies in Europe’s regions