Various Trainings and Events to Introduce Estonian Labour Market to Postgraduate Students from Third Countries
An acute labour shortage exists in many sectors of labour market, while plenty of international students studying in Estonia are actively seeking employment opportunities. One of the problems lies in the fact that international student jobseekers and employers often struggle to find each other. Moreover, lack of information between these two parties might be causing mutual (false) assumptions and thereby hinder a potential successful employment relationship.
The current project is dealing with this exact problem – the aim of the activities is to help foreign students to successfully enter Estonian job market. In the years 2020-2022, several activities, including training seminars, will be provided to international students from third countries, in which the Estonian labour market, the possibilities of entering it and its peculiarities will be introduced. In addition, potential employers and foreign students from third countries will be brought together through different events, including networking sessions.
Furthermore, at the end of this project, information and training materials will be created for international students, for employers and other institutions and organizations working in this field in Estonia. These materials will help students to find their place in Estonian job market, gain volunteering or internship experiences as well as help the employers find their employee of best fit.
AMIF2020-4 is co-financed by the European Union through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Estonia.